Wednesday, 2 June 2010

On June 26, I am scheduled to run a ½ marathon in Michigan called the Run for the One.  Besides being an excuse for me to lose weight and get in shape, I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to help the people of Guatemala.

When we had our pregnancy emergency 2 months ago, Areli’s life was saved by the fact that we got to a government hospital quickly and that they had the resources available to help her.  But the fact is, Hospital Santa Elena has very limited resources.  The hospital sees more people and receives less money from the government each year.  Since it is a government hospital, our bill was $0.  The good thing about a socialized heath care system is that if it’s available, you can have it.  The bad thing is, when the money’s gone, it’s gone.  Our supporting organization, Agape In Action, has helped this hospital greatly in the past and continues to do so.  The current difficulty with heavy import taxes--even on donated items--has made this more difficult, but there are (legal) ways to get donated medical equipment into the country without huge taxes.     

Here’s how you can help:

I plan to run this race firstly for the One (my Lord Jesus Christ), and secondly for Hospital Santa Elena in memory of our daughter, Esther Nina.

I am seeking supporters who would like to give to this cause. 

I would suggest a $13 (a buck a mile) donation to all who would like to support me--plus, as an incentive to me, an extra dollar for each minute below 125 minutes of race time (about a 9 ½ minutes per mile pace).  I’m not trying to make this too complicated.  And again this is only a suggestion.  You can give more or less.  I won’t be checking up on you.

As an added bonus, I would like to send a genuine Guatemalan gift (yet to be determined) to at least the first 100 supporters that email me.

If you would like to support me:
1) Send me an email now saying that you would like to support me and include your mailing address so we can send you a gift.
2) After the race, make your donation to Agape In Action either by check or PayPal.  Please include "Run for the One" with the payment so we know how much money was given to this project. 
3) Expect your special gift in the coming days (currently limited to the first 100 people who email me).

100% of your donation goes to Guatemala (apart from the small transaction fee if you use PayPal).  This is a tax deductible donation. You can see all the details and make donations on the Agape In Action donations page

The gift we send you will be paid for by us and does not come out of your or other’s donations (a true gift).

Thanks in advance.  This is the first time I have asked you for a financial gift since we have been here.  Please consider this opportunity to be a blessing to the people of Guatemala.