3 October 2014
Things have gone quite smoothly since we got to Guatemala. The worst thing that has happened was a nearly hour-long delay when the truck got stuck in the mud on the way to a clinic. With some persistence and some Mayan ingenuity, it finally came out and we were on our way. This is a three minute summary of our experience taken with my sweet action cam. Don't watch it if you get motion sickness easily.
Due to the rain there is no way to get the truck all the way to the clinic so we walk about a half-an-hour.
Thankfully, we made it and were able to see this family. All of them were sick with what I think was a bad virus. They walked an hour down the mountain to get to the clinic. Some of them were febrile. Mom said she would carry the littlest one back up the mountain and the oldest daughter who had the worst cough of the bunch would carry the febrile 4 year-old girl back up the mountain. I wonder if kids in the U.S. are getting too soft.